Tuesday, March 4, 2008

happy birthday to him

yesterday was the finn's birthday. when it comes to birthdays we are opposites. i love presents and flowers and balloons and all that comes with birthdays. peter can't stand the attention and would rather act as if it was just a regular day. well, he does like being able to get his way because it's his day. we went out and had a drink and got some mexican food at jay n'bee. always so delish.
we have officially been back in san francisco for a year. so crazy how that happens. one minute you're here and then you turn around and you're over there. we are so happy to be here. we really have found our paradise. when we were moving around all the time i never felt the way i do living here. it was always what's next? i viewed everything as being part of the adventure. nothing was ever permanent because we were anti permanence. now life is much different. i crave roots. heck i love plants now. that says it all. in the past i wouldn't be caught dead investing in something like a miniature pony palm. my age probably has something to do with all these changes. not that i'm complaining. this new direction of my journey is a welcomed treat.

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